

What is Intelligent Process Automation (IPA)?

Text In nearly all industries, artificial intelligence (AI) is held up as the vision for the future, with the promise to transform every aspect of business. But not all hype lives up to reality. We...

The Difference Between OCR and IDP

Compare optical character recognition (OCR) and intelligent document processing (IDP) to learn when to use each to make structured and unstructured data more usable.

A Case for PEDM

Learn how one company benefitted from incorporating Core Privileged Access Manager (BoKS), a PEDM solution, into their security portfolio.

Three Signs You’ve Outgrown Password Vaulting

The article highlights the signs to look out for that it’s time to consider add another type of PAM solution—Privilege Elevation and Delegation Management (PEDM)—to help your organization as it continues to grow.