

Use Conditional Logic in Sequel Data Access to Convert Data into Meaningful Information

Let’s face it, the amount of data that we have is only continuing to grow, which will become harder to manage and understand. Per IDC Research, 90 percent of data in the world today was created in the last two years, and in 2016, we entered the zettabyte era. A huge challenge for everyone is finding the best way to convert all their data into meaningful information. But that can be tricky. If...

Understanding Event-Driven Architecture

At its core, event-driven architecture is about reacting to various events on your systems. Event-driven architecture allows you to react to multiple different sources without having to write code for each of those sources

Moving to the Digital Age: The Challenges Facing IT Today

For all its meaningful advancements, the push into the digital age also brings with it a host of new challenges for companies. Key among these challenges is the increased difficulty in tracking workflows. Find out how Automate Schedule can help.

Informatica Cloud Integration = Powerful Enterprise Job Scheduling

Successful integration relies on communication. A survey of 2,000 IT professionals and more than 1,500 IT leaders found one of the largest challenges for an organization is the use of new applications, processes, and techniques. For efficient operations, organizations need to incorporate new technologies with their legacy systems.

Code-Free Database Automation

Watch the recorded webinar to learn how to automate tedious database interaction tasks like data entry, reading incoming data files, and more.

How To Maintain Your Data Integrity

File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) helps ensure that your critical and sensitive data is viewed and changed only by authorized personnel through approved channels. Candidates for FIM include application files containing sensitive data, such as personnel or financial data, and server configuration files.