

Is the i Ready for the Three Vs of Big Data?

The three Vs of big data are volume, velocity, and variety, but in order derive value from big data, IT departments need tools to store massive amounts of data (volume) and make sure it is always available for quick analysis (velocity).

How Mobile Data Access Improves Business Operations

It seems nearly everyone in certain parts of the world now has a smartphone, tablet, or both, and these devices aren't just for fun and games. Organizations are putting devices to work in the drive to streamline processes, gain insight into operations, and ensure continuity.

SEQUEL Users Go Mobile

SEQUEL Users Go Mobile Mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, PC Tablets) are now in the hands of over 89% of corporate professionals. Whether companies are buying them for their employees or the employee has decided to invest in one on their own, the fact remains that mobile data access is no longer a luxury; it’s becoming a requirement. The right data access solution for a mobile device allows the user...

How to Quickly and Dynamically Summarize Your Data with Client Tables

A SEQUEL Client Table is an interactive solution for dynamic Desktop Online Analytical Processing (Desktop OLAP or DOLAP) and cube analysis. With a Client Table, it’s possible for you to build client/server views that allow end users to explore, summarize, and pivot large quantities of data quickly from IBM i and other databases. Once a Client Table is displayed, users can perform interactive...

The IBM i Partitioning Paradox: Defined

Managing big data requires making some big decisions: how to store, query, and report on the constantly increasing stream of data. Although the practice of ‘data at scale’ or table partitioning is popular on IBM i, it creates a partitioning paradox that often adds complications to efficiently querying data.

Tips and Advice for Going Paperless in the Office

The dream of taking your company into a completely paperless world may feel daunting. But there are little things that can assist you in taking that big step toward your paperless goals, all while saving your business money and helping the environment. So where do you start?

Additional ViewPoint Administrator Functions

What does this function do? SEQUEL Field Level Authorization uses an exclusion/inclusion dictionary function that lets administrators provide authorization to libraries, files, and fields. The dictionary, which can be defined as exclusion or inclusion, is an additional filter applied on top of system object security limits. It does not replace system object authority but supplements it. ...

Who Knew You Could Do THAT with SEQUEL Data Warehouse?

While SEQUEL Data Warehouse is primarily a tool for building and managing data warehouses and data marts (along with the associated ETL), our customers are always finding innovative "off-label" uses. These are some of the common ones we've heard about. It's likely you will find more things to do with SEQUEL Data Warehouse, too. And every additional use you find within your organization increases...

What's New for Security in IBM i 7.1

IBM added additional security functions in version 7.1 to further establish the Power Systems IBM i operating system as a world-class securable environment.

Save Time by Modernizing Your Data

Many Query/400 users spend too much time trying to manage existing queries, from modifying old ones to searching for the right one just to get basic data. SEQUEL can make this process much faster and easier.

Save Changed Views Automatically with SEQUEL Versioning

Have you ever made a change to an IBM i object and then wished you could undo the change like with PC objects? This is a common mistake many business and IBM i professionals encounter on a regular basis, but SEQUEL now gives you a built-in solution.