Still writing queries in SQL?
Of course you are—it’s a powerful way to access the IBM i data your organization needs. But there are three important reasons why your business should go beyond writing queries in SQL.
Is it Time to Go Beyond SQL/400? Read the FAQ >
1. You Need Help with SQL
Not everyone is an SQL wiz. So the burden of writing queries in SQL often falls to a select few programmers with the right expertise.
Those programmers are bombarded with request after request—to the point where it becomes impossible to keep up. As a result, business users wind up waiting and waiting for critical business information. Decision-making is slowed down and even impaired by a lack of quick access to key data.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Eliminating the SQL hurdle can clear programmers’ plates and cut down the wait time for everyday business users to get their IBM i data. After all, smart business intelligence software makes writing queries in SQL easy for those who don’t know SQL.
Need help with SQL? Then it’s time for your business to move past the limits of just writing queries in SQL.
2. You Need Visual Data to Make Decisions
Making decisions can be tough when you’re staring at line after line of incomprehensible data. But, when you’re writing queries in SQL with SQL/400, those lines of data are all you get.
The data should be your roadmap—not your roadblock.
Instead of staring at the screen stuck and confused, you can choose a query tool that makes it simple to visualize IBM i data. And visualized data is easy for anyone to understand. It can be presented comparatively in graphs and tables to create a clear roadmap for decision-making.
Need your data to be understandable? Then it’s time for your business to go beyond writing queries in SQL.
3. You Need Data in Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is a business user’s best friend. But writing queries in SQL and translating that data into a Microsoft Excel file is not an easy task. In fact, it’s incredibly manual and involves retyping every piece of data.
Getting data into Excel with just SQL is a drain on your valuable IT staff’s time. Help them be productive and meet business user needs quickly.
Smart data access tools make it simple to export to Excel in a flash. There’s no need for manual hassle for your IT staff. And there’s zero wait time for your business users.
Need data in Microsoft Excel? Then it’s time to do more than just write queries in SQL.
Go Beyond Writing Queries in SQL
Writing queries in SQL is powerful, but it’s not always enough. Find out if it’s time to go beyond SQL/400.