Steve Finnes
Steve Finnes is the worldwide product offering manager for HA/DR on Power Systems. Steve has worked for IBM for 35 years. In the early '80s, he was involved in electron optics research and development as applied to metrology and lithography. He worked in processor development and memory development and then as the chief engineering manager for I/O and storage he and his team brought the first Raid 5 product offering to market in the early '90s.
Steve was the product manager for OptiConnect, which was a type of clustering that enabled scale out growth. Following the OptiConnect era he worked closely with the development team to build the foundations of the first shared storage clustering technology for IBM i. In 2007 he assumed responsibility for HACMP and in 2008 rebranded HACMP and the IBM i product to PowerHA SystemMirror. In 2016, he co-developed GDR for Power Systems as well as the CBU for Enterprise Systems.