If your organization is currently using an electronic forms package that's no longer supported or simply isn’t meeting your organization’s needs – then it’s time to replace it and set your forms creation and delivery on the right path.
iForms document creation is a modern alternative to outdated forms packages such as IBM’s AFP that may no longer be supported or enhanced. iForms’ robust functionality is the perfect solution for all your company’s form, report generation, and delivery needs.
Watch as forms management expert Greg Schmidt breaks down the main ways a modern forms solution can provide the flexibility and efficiency today’s organizations need. You’ll learn how easy it can be to:
- Create forms from data on IBM i and Windows
- Generate documents from spooled files and databases such as DB2, SQL Server, and more
- Create professional invoices, purchase orders, billing statements, and data-driven reports
- Trace and use your current forms as background images to get started faster
If you’re looking to streamline your organization’s forms creation and delivery, this webinar is for you!