Robot Space Comparison Checklist


Explore and analyze IBM i disk usage with a graphical user interface.


Monitor ASP and IASP permanent and temporary storage levels.
Specify ASP and IASP storage threshold(s) for notification.
Establish a threshold for ASP and IASP growth in the last one hour.
View historical and trend usage graphs for ASP and IASP.
Monitor active jobs for QTEMP, temporary, and spooled file storage.
Specify overall or specific subsystem/job thresholds for notification.
Automatically place a job on hold if it's consuming too much QTEMP, temporary, or spooled file storage.
DISK CLEANUPOthersRobot Space
Automate storage cleanup tasks.
Clean up old IFS objects (for instance PDF files stored in the IFS).
Clean up old spooled files.
Clean up old save files (SAVF).
Clean up old journal receivers.
Delete unused history log files (QHST)
RGZPFM while-active option available


DISK ANALYSISOthersRobot Space
Analyze library and IFS storage in SYSBAS or IASP(s).
Collect library, directory, object, member, output queue, and stream file metrics over time.
Include or exclude any or all library or IFS through filters.
Review the latest, any iteration, and compare collected data over time.
Graphically review size history or trend.


Report on wasted storage.
Report on duplicated library and IFS objects.
Report on recently restored library and IFS objects.
Report on large IFS directories.
Report on unused library or IFS objects.
Report on unused file members.
Report on storage issues.
Report on damaged library or IFS objects.
Report on physical files that are almost full.
Report on files and journal receivers that need to be saved.
Create on-demand reporting from any collected data quickly and easily.
Summarize your current disk consumption with the Good Morning Report.
Summarize library consumption with the System Health Report.
Compare collected data over time.
Display or print reports using the built-in, customized query function.


Receive notification during the collection process.
Receive notification when an object exceeds a specific size or record count limit.
Receive notification when an object's growth rate exceeds a specified percentage rate.
Receive notification when an object exists past a specified date.


Access complete online help for easy reference.
Work with a designated support consultant.
Call for live support during business hours.
Take advantage of 24/7 after-hours support.
Download software updates for new features and fixes.
Receive online technical alerts.
Use product setup and upgrade assistance.
Increase your knowledge with product certification testing.
Attend industry and product webinars.
Get discounts on classes and event fees.
Read white papers, case studies, how-to documents, and other helpful resources.


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