Hands-free disk space analysis and monitoring
Spend Less Time and Money on Disk Space
You’ll spend less time worrying about your disk space when your daily disk space monitoring is completely automated—and you’ll spend less money over the long run by better managing your objects and files, so you don’t purchase unnecessary, expensive extra disk.
Plan for the Future
Understanding current trends within your storage environment gives you greater visibility to predict your organization’s disk space needs and plan for the future accordingly, thanks to the historical metrics visible in your disk space analyzer.
Improve System Performance
Regular monitoring for everything from active jobs to spooled files using flexible storage thresholds helps you stay on top of disk space at all times, not just when you’re reaching capacity.
I can see the history of my data libraries, how big they are each month, how they change and fluctuate. At any point I can put that information into a nice graph if I want to see the size of library.
Charles Bertsch, Computer Operations Manager, Heartland Financial USA, Inc.
Key Disk Space Management Features
Disk space management and monitoring

Be a better steward of your current disk space with active, automated monitoring of your disk usage. Robot Space keeps an eye on your disk storage information, collecting statistics on usage and helping you spot spikes and identify trends across direct access storage devices (DASD), SSD drives, NVMe, and network storage devices like SAN.
Storage collections

You need up-to-date information on critical, fast-growing objects. Robot Space uses storage collection groups and event thresholds to collect statistics for groups of objects and PowerHA environments running with IASP, which you can graph, save, and print for analysis and future disk space planning. You can also compare library, integrated file system (IFS), and object-level growth from collection period to collection period.
Disk space analysis

Drill into disk storage problems to discover what’s eating away at your disk space. See historical disk growth metrics, compare against previous collections, and use cleanup tools for addressing obsolete objects and file reorganization.
Text, email, and SNMP alerting

Automated monitoring is hands-off, but rest assured that you’ll be all ready to respond to any issues that need your attention. When a specified disk space threshold is reached, receive a text, email, or SNMP message on your preferred device so you can correct the storage problem.
Comprehensive reports

A lot of systems and applications feed your IBM i, including other servers, point-of-sale, inventory transactions, and more. As a disk usage analyzer, Robot Space offers pre-defined reports to help you better understand your IBM i disk space usage.
Audit Your IBM i Storage Lately?
Let’s say you want to pass library name, journal name, and/or number of retention days to a program and have the system delete any journal receivers associated with that journal whether they have been saved or not. No problem! Robot Space automates IBM i storage audits like this. It helps you:

Automate IBM i Storage Cleanup and Disk Space Remediation

How often do you manually delete outdated or redundant records? Save time, ensure reliability, and keep things running smoothly by scheduling regular system cleanup tasks.
Robot Space seamlessly interfaces with Robot Schedule, allowing you to schedule jobs that will fix any disk space issues Robot Space reveals. Using the two software tools together, you can:
- Run jobs that collect and monitor disk space information
- Perform storage cleanup tasks
- Schedule reports to run regularly
It's Time to Stop Worrying About Your IBM i Storage
You don’t have the time or resources to waste on manual disk space management. Luckily, Robot Space monitors and maintains everything for you.
Get Started
Data will only continue to grow. Learn how Robot Space can help you manage and analyze your disk space without investing in additional hardware.