Robot Network

Centralize control of the Robot software running in your IBM i environment and get a high-level look at key performance metrics

Consolidate Your Robot Software Solutions


You want to manage your Robot software solutions and get a high-level look at performance metrics from a single view. Robot Network gives you the one-stop management you’ve been searching for.

When you’re using Robot Schedule, Robot Console, or Robot Space, you can centrally administrate, manage, and monitor these products from one single location. Robot Network acts as a convenient status center for your Robot software where you can quickly see which products need attention and take action to keep your IT operations and infrastructure running smoothly.  

Key Features

High-level performance monitoring

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View high-level performance metrics to quickly ascertain of the health of your IBM i servers and partitions. Custom dashboards show your network at a glance with graphs and gauges of current and historical performance data on the essential metrics, including CPU usage, disk percentage busy, and interactive response time.

Today we can use Robot Network to populate standard message sets. When we make a change to message or process automation that we want across all of our systems, we can do that using product masters. Before we had to sign onto each partition—and we have 34 partitions. Now all you have to do is log on to the host and make the change, and it’s done across all environments.

Senior Manager for the IBM i Platform, Staples

Create and Distribute Jobs with Robot Schedule

Distribute details for iSeries jobs across iSeries partitions

Do you have dependencies between IBM i virtual machines, or cross-system dependencies? Once Robot Network specifies which systems in the IBM i network allow job reactivity, Robot Schedule can automate that process centrally with cross-system reactivity.

Robot Schedule works directly with Robot Network to create and distribute jobs and setup instructions, as well as to print consolidated reports from IBM i systems and partitions across your enterprise. Manage interactive and batch jobs across partitions or servers from a central location. Robot Schedule Enterprise can go a step further to integrate Windows, UNIX, and Linux into IBM i procedures across your servers by automating the control and scheduling of tasks, monitoring, and processes. If a critical server becomes unavailable, Robot Schedule Enterprise will send a notification to the Robot Network Status Center or directly to a mobile device.

Centralize Message Management with Robot Console

Centrally manage iSeries messages across iSeries partitions

Simplify message management and resource monitoring and maintain consistency across your network of IBM i systems. Robot Console works with Robot Network to create and distribute setup information, message instructions, and resource monitoring information across your enterprise. From a single workstation, Robot Console can send critical messages for review and response from Robot Network, which then redirects messages from Robot Console on one system to another, lastly answering the message from the other system. Enjoy centralized control over the resources and messages across your IBM i systems.

Manage Disk Metrics with Robot Space

Your network may consist of multiple systems, each with disk drives. Managing disk space across your network might seem very time consuming, if not impossible. Robot Space works directly with Robot Network to give you a central, graphical display from which you can monitor the disk drive status of all your IBM i systems. If a storage threshold is exceeded, the Robot Network Status Center highlights the system in trouble. If the host operator does not acknowledge the problem, Robot Network sends an email or escalates an SNMP event directly to your enterprise monitor.

Space Management

Get Started

Manage your all Robot software across IBM i systems and partitions from one convenient status center. Request a demonstration today to learn more.