Need to access IBM i data from anywhere—not just your desk? Sequel Web Interface (SWI) makes it possible. With SWI, you can expand the use of Sequel Data Access across your organization—without maintaining any additional software. You’ll empower business users, executives, and IT alike to access important information on the go—without any hold-ups.
Expand Data Access Across Your Organization
With SWI, you don’t have to install any additional software. This makes it easy to expand business data access on IBM i to users throughout your organization.
Get Your Data—Wherever You Go
You need timely data to make decisions. This is true no matter whether at your desk or traveling for a business meeting. With SWI, you can get the business data you need from IBM i and remote databases, wherever you go.
Count on the Power of Sequel
Access any Sequel data—including views, dashboards, objects, reports, and more—via SWI.
Most of our users access data using Sequel Web Interface. A browser is all the software they need to get the information they need.
David Lunzman, Senior Software Developer, Security Mutual Life
Key Features
Web user interface

The days of needing to be at your desk to access critical business data are gone. SWI works on any browser—Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, and Chrome—so you can access your data on any mobile device.
Easy-to-use dashboards

Dashboards help you empower users with visual information. Sequel dashboards are easy for anyone to use. Graphs, gauges, and charts make it simple to understand even the most complex data.
Your Sequel functions, in a browser

Complete any Sequel function within SWI.
- Run a request with any Sequel (and Query/400) object
- Drill down into the detail and graph data on the fly
- Display host tables, host reports, client reports, client tables, and more
- Calculate subtotals
- Manage spooled files by user profile or by output queue
- Embed links to run Sequel objects from your webpages
- Display, download, and save data results—in any format
- Email results to users
Secure data access

You need your IBM i data to be secure. SWI adheres to Sequel and IBM i security—so your mobile data access is just as secure as your GUI and green screen. You can require users to log in with a valid IBM i user ID and password. Plus, you can even require the application to observe all IBM i object-level authority.
No need to install software

One of the best features of SWI is that you won’t have any additional software to maintain. For Sequel Data Access users, SWI is a smart add-on to extend data access across your organization and meet the demands of your increasingly mobile workforce.
Get Started
Bring your Sequel data on the go with Sequel Web Interface. Try it today and see for yourself how your organization will benefit from mobile data access.
Not using Sequel Data Access yet? See for yourself how Sequel and SWI work together to deliver IBM i data in modern formats.