Agari Products
Stop advanced email threats from bypassing legacy controls.
Rapidly detect, respond to, and remediate email threats.
Prevent brand abuse and protect customers from being phished.
Get actionable intel about specific BEC attacks.
Fortra's Email Security Suite of Solutions
From email authentication to detecting business email compromise (BEC), phishing campaigns and more, Fortra's Email Security suite frees employees, customers, and partners in an enterprise environment from the stress and uncertainty that a message may be from a cybercriminal looking to profit from or exploit them. All the while, Agari solutions minimize the SOC's workload, maintain compliance and regulatory requirements, support your evolving business objectives, and reduce risk.
About Agari
Fortra's Agari solutions prevent inbound threats from reaching employee inboxes through AI-powered data science, and defend against business email compromise (BEC), spear phishing, impersonation attacks, and more. Agari also prevents spoofing of outbound email from the enterprise to customers to increase deliverability rates and ensure your brand's integrity.
Email Security Solutions by Industry
Financial institutions use Agari to prevent fraudsters from impersonating your brand in a phishing attack and to protect the inboxes of employees from schemes like executive impersonation. Learn more...
Government agencies use Agari to prevent phishing attacks on citizens, secure government email accounts from spear phishing attacks, and reduce SOC workloads associated with incident response and remediation. Learn more...
Healthcare organizations use Agari to protect email as a secure communication channel for patients, payors and providers. When staffers report incidents, Agari automates response and remediation workflow. Learn more...
We're Trusted By
The biggest benefit we got from deploying the Agari solution was visibility. We got visibility into the attack space and into how inconsistent some of our enterprise controls were applied.
Bill Burns, Chief Trust Officer, Informatica
Why Customers Choose Agari
Featured Resources
Guide: Fortra's Cloud Email Protection: Machine Learning Models
Download to learn how Fortra’s Agari uses advanced data science, including machine learning models, to find and mitigate attacks that slip past traditional email defenses.
Guide: Getting Started with DMARC
Learn how to set up DMARC for your email accounts and see how it can protect your environment from spam and phishing attacks that could endanger your brand.
Guide: Enhancing Microsoft with Fortra Email Security
Download to learn how Fortra Email Security solutions can be deployed alongside M365 for a more comprehensive approach to protecting your emails, data, and brand.
Webinar: 2023 BEC and Email Impersonation Trends
John Wilson, Fortra’s Senior Fellow of Threat Research, examines campaigns and tactics used in recent BEC and email impersonation attacks so organizations are prepared.