Fortra's Beyond Security


Network and Application Security Tools

Beyond Security DAST finds code weaknesses, determines a product’s security without access to the source code, and is compatible with most hardware and protocol; including IoT, CANbus, and automotive. SAST checks the code security quality of applications and integrates SecOps into DevOps so your organization can include and streamline security solutions into the CI/CD function. Vulnerability management and assessment can quickly detect threats with the most accurate and fastest possible improvement in network security customized for your organization.

Get a scalable, cloud based, realtime black box fuzzer that doesn’t require source code and has over 250+ prebuilt protocol testing modules.


Our fast and accurate vulnerability management and assessment solution that delivers cost effective, scalable network security scanning.


Key Differentiators

Easy to implement, Beyond Security scanners can save you time, money, and effort.  SAST and DAST can go hand-in-hand when it comes to security.  Inspect for code quality and security together, help your IT professionals detect and prevent security weaknesses before a product launches, and realtime scanning for cybersecurity vulnerabilities after deployment.

Simplicity in Mind
SAST From The Start
Realtime DAST Fuzzing

Why Choose Beyond Security


Automation, scalability, and integrations making security scanning before and after deployment much easier for your IT staff.

One Platform

There’s a single GUI to learn that includes over 250+ prebuilt protocol testing modules and the ability to add custom ones.

Security Testing Standards

Adhere to all necessary standards, including Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE), SANS TOP 25, OWASP TOP 10, and CERT Secure Coding Guidelines.

Fast and Accurate

Run quick checks during development on new code and perform longer tests after deployment to find security issues.

Schedule a demo and see how Beyond Security’s solutions make it easier to protect your business from cyber attacks.