Use this interactive checklist to conduct a network monitoring tools comparison with Intermapper and other solutions.
Comparing network monitoring tools can be tricky. Network managers at organizations of all sizes trust Intermapper to provide the real-time knowledge they need to maintain a healthy network. What’s more, Intermapper is a vendor-agnostic solution that works across multiple platforms easily and affordably.
In this network monitoring checklist, you can explore dozens of features Intermapper provides, from auto-discovery to real-time monitoring that can pinpoint congestion and send alerts.
Discover all the features Intermapper offers, including...
- Autodiscovery for all IP-enabled devices
- Custom map creation with different layouts, background images, and icons
- Built-in network probes to monitor a wide variety of devices
- Flexible polling intervals
- Reporting and historic data to help you meet SLAs and stay compliant
- Real-time alerts in response to exceeded thresholds or failure
We have had monitoring before. What we like about Intermapper is that it’s not expensive and is very easy to learn. It’s very graphical. A lot of other tools are table-based; you have to set up tables and devices. It gets complicated. There were some other nice tools that were expensive and complicated to set up.
Shawn Hickox, Lead Network Engineer of Enterprise Initiatives and Technology, CalSTRS