Security Awareness Training

Discover why security awareness training is an essential component of success cybersecurity.


You can’t protect your most crucial information, networks, and systems with technology alone. To minimize the risk of a data breach and keep confidential data out of the hands of hackers, you must invest in your most important line of defense: your employees, contractors, and third-party vendors. 

Security awareness training is an essential component of success cybersecurity. When you deploy targeted courses, quizzes, phishing simulations, and more, you’ll identify high-risk end users or roles, change unsafe online behavior that can leave data vulnerable cyber-attacks, and promote a security-first mindset across your entire organization. 

How Does Security Awareness Training Work?

The best security awareness training programs are built on a data-driven, actionable strategy created by an organization’s CISO and other security leaders. Once this plan is finalized and related goals are set, security awareness initiatives are deployed, monitored, and optimized over time according to performance metrics and KPIs. 

The pillars of strong security awareness training include:  

Engaging, interactive content

Traditional, static security awareness content isn’t just boring—it limits how many end users will participate in and benefit from your training program. Content that’s interactive and gamified puts the end user in the center of a more dynamic learning experience and is proven to boost training course completion rates. 

How Do I Know If My Organization Needs Security Awareness Training?

All organizations, regardless of their size, sector, or head office location should be implementing security awareness training.
With a program in place, it’s easy to: 

Change unsafe online behaviors

Give employees, contractors, and third-party vendors the knowledge they need to avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading malicious payloads that can put confidential information or systems at risk. 

Reduce cyber risk

By educating end users on cybersecurity best practices and ensuring they can consistently detect and report potential threats, you mitigate the human risk factor and strengthen your data protection. 

Meet compliance requirements

Security awareness training programs can also be significant drivers in helping your organization meet compliance requirements like GDPR and HIPPA and avoid the financial ramifications related to non-compliance. 

Attain your cybersecurity goals

Whether your organization is looking to increase training participation and completion rates or reduce phishing email link clicks, security awareness initiatives enable you to meet all your yearly cyber objectives. 

Gone Phishing Tournament Report

Why Your Cybersecurity Awareness Levels is Critical


With cyber attacks becoming increasingly common and complex worldwide, understanding your organization’s cybersecurity risk levels is more important than ever before. See how your phishing email click rates compare to your peers by industry, region, and more by downloading the latest Phishing Benchmark Global Report.



Get Started with Security Awareness Training

Fortra's Terranova Security makes it easy to build risk-based campaigns that feature the industry’s highest-quality training content and real-world phishing simulations.