Automate Schedule: Enterprise Job Scheduling

Automate Schedule is a powerful enterprise job scheduling solution that integrates workflows across Windows, UNIX, Linux, and IBM i systems from a central console. By handling tedious, manual processes both within and across your mission-critical applications, Automate Schedule saves time and resources for the work that moves your business forward.

Deploys in Minutes—Not Weeks

Automate Schedule is easy to install, set up, and use. You don’t need an expensive on-site implementation team. The intuitive graphical interface can be accessed from any web browser, which means you can schedule and monitor your entire operation from virtually anywhere.

Gives You Flexibility and Control

You control how you automate your IT and business processes. AutomateSchedule’s web services API improves efficiency by reducing time, integrating existing software modules, and providing cost savings through consolidation. A command line interface allows you to execute web services as commands in an Automate Schedule job.

Meet Your Service Level Agreements

With Automate Schedule’s built-in notifications, you’ll easily meet your SLAs. When a critical process stops or an important job fails, Automate Schedule sends an email, text message, or SNMP trap to open a problem ticket.

Satisfies Your Auditors

Automate Schedule’s audit history is a big boost for complying with today’s regulation requirements, like Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), PCI DSS, and HIPAA. It tracks who created a new job or event monitor, who changed a job setup or command, and who forced a job to run outside of its scheduled time.

Automate Schedule lets you easily create electronic reports for job, agent, or event history, forecasting, and monitoring—everything you or an auditor would want or need to know.

Increases Productivity and Efficiency

Automate Schedule eliminates hundreds of programming hours needed to run your batch jobs and built-in dependency processing. Just tell Automate Schedule how you want the batch job to run and it does the work. You don’t need to bother anyone in the middle of the night because jobs ran out of order.

Streamlines Your Schedule

Many processes are based on file arrival information or process starts and ends. Agent event monitors let you monitor for events and react to them automatically. Your jobs run when they’re supposed to—even when the triggering event is on another server. Schedule forecasting is critical for running your operations. Just choose the time period and Automate Schedule forecasts the expected start time, run time, and prerequisite jobs. Use your forecast to shift the workload, maximize system usage, and determine whether you need upgrades.

Job suites make it easy to group multiple jobs and manage them as one process with full control to build dependencies based on outside events, jobs, or other suites. Users can set up alternative paths through a job suite based on the completion status of a member job. Automate Schedule allows users to choose which suite members must complete successfully and which members may fail without harming the overall execution of the suite.

Eases Transition and Conversion

The Import Center makes it easy to move jobs and schedules from testing to production for faster implementation and less risk. You can even upload jobs from other schedulers and convert them to Automate Schedule.

Protects with High Availability

Protect your jobs from unplanned downtime with Automate Schedule’s standby server and automatic agent switchover.

Secures Your Environment

Automate Schedule’s role-based security ensures that your users can access only what they need to perform their jobs. You can secure product functions by department, division, location, customer, and more.

Active Directory (AD)/LDAP authorization makes managing users easier for administrators because they can match existing LDAP groups to Automate Schedule roles. Users log into Automate Schedule using existing user names and passwords.

With Automate Schedule, it’s easy to securely transfer files to remote systems. Simply select a file transfer system you want to send or receive the file from, and Automate Schedule does the rest.

Toward Enterprise Job Scheduling

It is easy to replace multiple schedulers on individual servers or applications' built-in schedules with an enterprise job scheduler. A robust solution like Automate Schedule will grant you a more transparent view and give you more control over your entire production environment.


• Centralized schedule management
• Compatible with multiple platforms
and applications
• Event- or time-based scheduling
• Audit history
• Reporting and notification
• Easy install—deploys in minutes,
not days

• Robot Schedule
• Oracle E-Business Suite
• SAP NetWeaver
• Informatica PowerCenter
• Informatica Cloud
• MS SQL Server
• Windows Task Scheduler
• Windows desktop applications
• Cron
• Web services API
• IBM i agent
• Other command-based batch jobs
or background processes

• Windows Server 2008, 
   Server 2008 R2,
   Server 2012, Server 2012 R2
• AIX 6.1 & 7.1
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, 6, 7
• Suse Enterprise Linux 10, 11, 12
• Ubuntu Linux 12.04, 14.04, 16.04
• Perl 5.6 or later (AIX or Linux)