This guide provides details on how to switch from an Intermapper Individual Remote Access license to a Server Pooled license for easy access for all your Remote Access users.
The pooled license will be sent to you via email. Follow the instructions to enter in your Intermapper Server License with Pooled Intermapper Remote Access. Upon registering the license on the Intermapper server you can verify it was applied by the following Edit > Server Settings > Registration. Here the Pooled license will be displayed along with the number of available seats.
Once the Pooled license is registered, go to the Individual Remote Access client. Help > Registration… and select Remove.
By removing the license from here this will eliminate it from the registry allowing the Pooled license to take over. When you remove this license, this will end your IMRA session. You will need to start Intermapper Remote Access again, it will then start using the pooled license from the Intermapper Server.
Note: When a registered individual Remote Access license expires on the remote access client a yellow window prompts the users to enter a new license. Intermapper Remote Access needs to have any outdated or current license removed before it can work with the Pooled license on the server.
To test if the Pooled license is working go back to Edit > Server Settings > Registration and below the licensing information look for the line - Intermapper is currently using X IMRemoteAccess connections of the licensed X maximum. If one or more is showing for the current IMRemoteAccess connections, then the license is working successfully.