

Free eBook: Secure File Transfer Project Examples

IT and cybersecurity teams frequently envision, create, and implement innovative uses for their secure file transfer software. These unique applications allow them to solve critical industry and organizational needs without using a secondary solution or tool! In this informational ebook , you'll discover countless ways your peers use managed file transfer (MFT) in their organizations. We share...

Eight Steps Toward a Secure Hybrid Cloud Environment

Protect your data and your company from internal and external threats by ensuring that your security policies on-premises and in the cloud are aligned with this checklist.

New Approaches to the SWIFT and PCI-DSS Framework

THE WORLD OF COMPLIANCE At the official start of summertime 2016 in Britain we are starting to consume the labour of last autumn, five gallons of alcoholic homemade cider (yum!) made from eight apple varieties grown in mine and my neighbors’ gardens. I’m very VERY careful sterilizing glassware, containers, and buckets: there was this unfortunate incident three years ago (no, you don’t want to hear...