

What is the Value of SIEM?

As is often the case in the technology industry, the details surrounding security information and event management can be a little unclear. While vendors may offer solutions of varying complexity, there is still a basic idea behind most SIEM products…

What to Know about the New NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Compiled with significant input from the private sector, the Cybersecurity Framework isn’t a prescriptive compliance document and instead gives companies significant leeway in how they use it to inform their security strategies. As a relatively new source of guidance, its implications for regulated industries aren’t clear yet.

Your Biggest Challenge to IBM i User Onboarding

As companies bounce back from recession and place a stronger emphasis on digitally-driven innovations, IT departments are finally receiving the funds they need to hire qualified, new colleagues who can lighten the workload. However, the first order of business will be getting these recent hires up to speed.

Your Biggest Threat Since Edward Snowden

When Edward Snowden leaked the details of the National Security Agency’s PRISM program to the media, it resulted in a large public outcry and lot of unwanted attention. This doesn’t mean that system administrators should treat all of their contractors as the next Snowden, but it highlights the importance of ensuring that contractors, as well as employees, are sufficiently monitored and aware of how they are allowed to use company data.

What's the Difference Between a Profile Swap and Adopted Authority?

Many organizations have the requirement to reduce the number of profiles to which special authorities—especially *ALLOBJ specially authority—have been assigned. In many cases, the excess capabilities can simply be removed because they aren't required for the person to perform their job functions. *SAVSYS special authority is a good example. Unless...

Three Reasons You Need an Updated Security Policy

If you still think creating and maintaining a security policy isn’t necessary, you could be setting up your organization for an unpleasant surprise. Check out the top three reasons businesses need an up-to-date security policy.

IT Security Compliance 101

In this compliance 101 primer, we'll look at three high-profile breaches from the past year, each of which shows what can go wrong when data oversight isn't up to snuff. Along the way, we'll discuss some basic fixes that can help shore up network defenses.

Say Goodbye to Document Mismanagement

We write a lot on this blog about document management, but this time we wanted to share a graphic illustrating the struggles that some companies and individuals still face in their processes. Can you see yourself (or your company) in any of these stats? If so, let us help you find a solution! With RJS, your company can digitize...

The 9 Server Sprawl Questions You Need to Ask

For budding companies, server sprawl may be just one of many growing pains—a temporary inconvenience for a greater good. But if you’re struggling to complete processes on time, stalling with the auditors, and jumping from server to server whenever an error occurs, it’s time to ask the tough questions.

The #1 Step Before Automation

An up-to-date and comprehensive runbook won't win you any awards. But when you get the green light to implement a workload automation tool, documentation is your lifeline. Unfortunately, most runbooks aren’t up to snuff.