

Access Data While Maintaining IBM i Security

Why do you need extra data access security on IBM i? Find out. Plus, learn how to secure data access, let users analyze data, and distribute data securely.

Building a Better Virus Trap

Not so long ago, viruses were just one of those little annoyances that come along with using a computer, akin to the gnat that orbits your head at the family picnic.

A Virus on i?

Do you all remember Malcom Haines’ presentation comparing the viruses on Windows and on IBM i? The first slide, for Microsoft, was an entire page filled, at a 4-point font, with different viruses. Then Malcom switched to the IBM i slide, which was blank. This would always result in an outburst in laughter among us IBM i evangelists.

Database Transaction Log Management

Don't let database transaction logs weigh you down. Find out how to preserve data integrity and consume less disk space.