

Customer Phishing Protection Couldn’t Be Easier with Agari and PhishLabs

It’s not news that cybercrime is a constant battle—large enterprises and small businesses everywhere are susceptible to a myriad of advanced email threats and socially engineered attacks, such as executive or brand impersonation. According to IC3’s Internet Crime Report, over $44 million in losses in 2021 were a direct result of malicious phishing and advanced email scams.

Solutions for Vulnerability Management

This guest blog from Dr. Edward Amoroso, Tag Cyber provides a high-level overview of modern advances in vulnerability management and how the Fortra cybersecurity portfolio supports this important method for addressing exploitable weaknesses in an enterprise.

Top Social Media Threats Targeting the Retail Industry

Social media threats targeting enterprises more than doubled last year. Attacks on the retail industry specifically have grown, as threat actors are targeting victims with impersonation and counterfeit ad campaigns. Purchasing behavior is increasingly influenced by social media, making it an attractive vector for these kinds of campaigns. The tendency of social media users to consume information...

How to Calculate RPA ROI

Once you get an RPA project up and running, how do you know if it's successful or not? How do you measure the ROI? I'm going to walk you through, in real time, how to calculate RPA ROI for your project. To show you how we can do this, we're going to take a real Fortra RPA customer example and walk you through the analysis. Visit this page to get access to...

How to Get Started with RPA

RPA is one of the fastest growing segments in the enterprise software space, and I want to tell you just a little bit about it. So, what is RPA? Well, at its simplest, RPA is software that automates human tasks. Four characteristics for a good RPA project Repetitive Tasks Rule Based High Volume Prone to Human Error You might be wondering, is this even...