

Looking for a Cron Replacement? Search No Longer.

Crontab scheduling simply can’t support a growing and changing enterprise. Read on to find out how to seamlessly replace cron with enterprise job scheduling software—and never look back.

Anti Malware for Linux, AIX, and IBM i Servers

When Malware Attacks Your IBM i, AIX, and Linux Servers Guide Malware and ransomware attacks have increased, halting day-to-day operations and bringing organizations to their knees. Businesses know anti malware is essential to protecting PCs from malicious programs, but many don’t realize the value of server-level protection until the damage is done. This guide examines the real-world...

Job Scheduling: Basic to Advanced (Webinar Recap)

As IT environments become increasingly complex, so do a business's job scheduling needs. Learn how Fortra job scheduling and robotic process automation solutions can help you streamline your unique IT processes.

Download “Automation without Alienation”

Automation has the potential to transform the way we work. It allows organizations drive efficiencies, increase reliability, and cut costs. But not everyone is on board with the change. Automation can be frightening to employees who worry about losing their jobs to robots and computers. This white paper from Computing tackles the problem of how to go forward implementing automation while...

IT Security Compliance 101

In this compliance 101 primer, we'll look at three high-profile breaches from the past year, each of which shows what can go wrong when data oversight isn't up to snuff. Along the way, we'll discuss some basic fixes that can help shore up network defenses.