

Why Everyone Has a Crush on Linux—even IBM

Linux helps enterprises make IT more scalable and flexible. Supplemented by dedicated, Linux-compatible tools for job scheduling—like Automate Schedule—put organizations in a prime position to streamline operations to meet changing requirements.

Is the i Ready for the Three Vs of Big Data?

The three Vs of big data are volume, velocity, and variety, but in order derive value from big data, IT departments need tools to store massive amounts of data (volume) and make sure it is always available for quick analysis (velocity).

Robot Best Practices

Wondering about best practices for automating your IBM i processes with Robot systems management solutions? Take a look at this list and get off to a good start.

Global IT Management Survey 2016—NewsWorthy Analysis

Results of a Kelton survey in which IT departments in large enterprises are tasked with responding to numerous business-impacting issues on any given day, including equipment failures, fluctuating website demand, and data security.

Vityl and ITIL

TeamQuest (a Fortra company) can help organizations improve their chances at a successful ITIL implementation through the ITIL best practices listed in this article.

Implementing a Consolidation Strategy

Improve Service quality "IT organizations should engage in a server consolidation project with three major goals: cost reduction, agility improvement and service-level improvement." Source: “Key Issues for Servers,” Gartner Inc. GOAL: IMPLEMENT A CONSOLIDATION STRATEGY Many companies are re-evaluating their IT infrastructures in light of changing business practices, economic demands, and...