

Achieving Workload Automation Goals

You've heard it before: workload automation will save you time, money, and resources. But what features does your automation software need to ensure you accomplish these goals?

Does Your ERP System Need a Job Scheduler?

Though enterprise resource planning systems can control many of your business processes, utilizing a job scheduler in conjunction with ERP technology only increases the advantages of streamlining an organization's initiatives.

How to Achieve Web Service Security

Web services are an essential part of the modern enterprise. Although web services can boost productivity by making specific applications more accessible, they can also present a security issue when not protected because business-critical information must meet with external information via the web.

Moving to the Digital Age: The Challenges Facing IT Today

For all its meaningful advancements, the push into the digital age also brings with it a host of new challenges for companies. Key among these challenges is the increased difficulty in tracking workflows. Find out how Automate Schedule can help.

Informatica Cloud Integration = Powerful Enterprise Job Scheduling

Successful integration relies on communication. A survey of 2,000 IT professionals and more than 1,500 IT leaders found one of the largest challenges for an organization is the use of new applications, processes, and techniques. For efficient operations, organizations need to incorporate new technologies with their legacy systems.

Workload Automation in the Modern Enterprise

Because there is still a need for recurring application processes to perform activities, there is an increased need for critical back-end computing via workload automation software.

Enterprise Scheduling ROI

Consolidating scheduling across multiple applications into an enterprise job scheduler increases productivity and helps the bottom line.

eBay Breach Highlights the Value of Monitoring Security-Related Events

The importance of monitoring your computer system and personal information simply cannot be overstated. In today's online environment, hackers hungry for users' account information and other sensitive details seem to be lurking around every corner. To keep these attackers at bay, companies must always have an eye on system and account activity, and be able to react quickly should anything...

Cracking the Problem of Endpoint Security

Endpoint security has been a hot topic in the technology and corporate sectors for a few years. Especially with the emergence of bring-your-own-device practices, it has become even more critical to put safeguards in place to ensure the security of sensitive information.