

Controlling SSH for Security and Compliance

SSH is nearly ubiquitous in today’s enterprises, and is the predominant tool for managing unix and linux servers, and the applications and data that they host. Poor practices around the deployment and management of the SSH infrastructure could easily leave your enterprise vulnerable to a breach. Are you in control? SSH, Secure Shell protocol, is now nineteen years old and broadly deployed across...

SFTP vs. FTPS: The Key Differences

Which option for securing sensitive files in transit is the best for your organization? Read this article for an in-depth look at FTP vs. SFTP vs. FTPS, and their key differences.

User Interfaces: GUI vs. WUI

You might be asking yourself, “What’s a WUI?” At Robot, WUI stands for web user interface, and we think it has some big benefits that are giving the GUI a run for its money.