

NIST’s Surprising New Password Recommendation

For a computer user, few things are more annoying than the requirement to use a password to access servers, applications, and websites. Find out how NIST's new recommendations are making passwords easier to create and maintain.

Sequel Data Access

Sequel Data Access helps your IT department deliver IBM i and remote data to business users and executives fast.

Use Conditional Logic in Sequel Data Access to Convert Data into Meaningful Information

Let’s face it, the amount of data that we have is only continuing to grow, which will become harder to manage and understand. Per IDC Research, 90 percent of data in the world today was created in the last two years, and in 2016, we entered the zettabyte era. A huge challenge for everyone is finding the best way to convert all their data into meaningful information. But that can be tricky. If...

Essentials for Privileged Access Management

Learn how you can effectively and efficiently control privileged UNIX and Linux accounts from accessing data or executing any application by using centralized access management.

Controlling SSH for Security and Compliance

SSH is nearly ubiquitous in today’s enterprises, and is the predominant tool for managing unix and linux servers, and the applications and data that they host. Poor practices around the deployment and management of the SSH infrastructure could easily leave your enterprise vulnerable to a breach. Are you in control? SSH, Secure Shell protocol, is now nineteen years old and broadly deployed across...