
Live Webinar

Drilldown Options in Sequel Viewpoint

Join Brandy Lulling on May 22nd for this training-focused webinar where she will walk you through a step-by-step approach on how to deliver these valuable drilldown processes to your users.
Live Webinar
JavaScript injection is a very powerful action for web browser automations. This allows users to interact with a website exactly as the website is expecting. Adding JavaScript to Automate’s web browser actions takes your automation a step further, allowing users to build automation that controls the site as a human would when needed. Join Austin Stanley, Technical Consultant, in this customer...

Fortra's Automate: Build-A-Bot Workshop

The Build-A-Bot Workshop is designed to fast track your company's automation initiatives. This workshop is delivered in three segments to maximize the knowledge transfer of what RPA can do, how to prioritize process candidates, and get started with bots. The implementation activities are delivered on a pre-paid basis. Key Deliverables Quick, in-depth assessment of Automate Kickstart organizational...
Live Webinar
Whether it’s robotic process automation (RPA) or business process automation (BPA), Automate has you covered. Register now to see automation in action and get the chance to ask any questions you might have.