

I Have All Object Authority And I’m Not Afraid To Use It!

When it comes to security on IBM Power Servers running IBM i, a common challenge for many organizations is the number of users with too much power. These users can potentially circumvent application controls, override security restrictions for themselves and others, change critical server configuration settings, and even cover their tracks while they do it.

Remember the IFS!

Ask any security professional which area of IBM i security is most often ignored and chances are that the unanimous response is a chorus of “the Integrated File System.” Although it’s been around since V3R1, the Integrated File System, or IFS, remains a shrouded mystery that represents significant risk to many IBM i organizations.

Interacting with Powertech SIEM Agent for IBM i

Your organization has invested in a security information event manager, or SIEM, to receive and analyse security and event log information from a variety of servers. Now they want to also get this information from their IBM Power Systems server.

Perspectives on the Changing Linux Ecosystem

Media Text In the early 1990s the Open Software Foundation formed a committee to select and standardize a new Management Platform Toolset for and from the UNIX ecosystem. After much...

Sudo or SuDon't: Manage Your Privileged Command Execution and Sudo Policies

System admins need root level authority at all times, system operations staff needs periodic database and application account authority, and security admins needing to protect the environment are some of the few of the challenges of managing privilege in the enterprise server infrastructure. Read this article to learn more about Sudo alternatives.

Pros and Cons for Puppet's Configuration Management & Security

THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY I was at the Red Hat Summit in Boston at the end of June. We had a lot of activity at our exhibitor stand, and a lot of discussions being passed on to me by our sales team I continued to have the same conversation again and again over the three days. This seems to be the year people have finished bedding down Puppet...

Managing IT Access Privileges

THE UNSOLVED PROBLEM Secure, private, effective use of computers by a company (including hosted, cloud and other services as well as the company’s own systems) relies on managing access privileges. The problem isn’t unique to computers. Office buildings, hotels, apartments and college dorms, for example, typically have “master keys” (or smart ID...

Solving Healthcare Security Concerns

According to a recent KPMG report, four-fifths of executives at healthcare providers and payers say their information technology has been compromised by cyberattacks. That same report presents how the increased risk to healthcare organizations relates to the richness and uniqueness of the information that health plans, doctors and hospitals handle. Apart from typical financial fraud, there is also...

The Modern Alternative to Authority Adoption

There are several considerations with authority adoption. Each is important but can usually be accommodated. But what is the effect if the program owner has the same or less privileges than the user that called the program?

Stay on Top of Security with Security Scan

Security and compliance adherence has elevated in criticality over the past few years and has now taken its rightful place as a primary IT initiative, alongside virtualization and disaster preparedness. The necessity for better data protection has landed front-and-center in the public eye following some of the largest data breaches on record.

The Road To Security Starts with a Security Scan

Sometimes, there are known vulnerabilities that clearly need to be mitigated as soon as possible—such as application users running with *ALLOBJ special authority. But, often there isn’t a thorough understanding of what’s wrong with a server’s configuration or what should be addressed first.