

Data Classification Best Practices

Data classification tools not only help organizations to protect their data, they also help users understand how to treat different types of data with different levels of sensitivity. Automation plays a central role in data governance and helps to maintain the required balance between technology and people-focused training to achieve an inclusive security culture.

Six Strategies to Ensure You Give the Right Access to the Right People at the Right Time

Part 2 of the Improving Your Security-Efficiency Balance Series: One of the primary challenges organizations wrestle with in identity governance is how to achieve the right balance in their company between security and efficiency. In Part 1 of the Improving Your Security-Efficiency Balance Series, we examined the unique balancing act organizations face when it comes to user access. In this blog...

Sudo or SuDon't: Manage Your Privileged Command Execution and Sudo Policies

System admins need root level authority at all times, system operations staff needs periodic database and application account authority, and security admins needing to protect the environment are some of the few of the challenges of managing privilege in the enterprise server infrastructure. Read this article to learn more about Sudo alternatives.