

The 5 Key Metrics to Improve Your Data Center Workflows

You’re already managing thousands of workflows, batch jobs, and other background processes using the same staff and tools you’ve had for years, but business demands keep adding more to your plate. You know you need to optimize, improve visibility, and start justifying the cost of new resources before it’s too late.

How to Go from Simple to Strategic Capacity Management

Capacity Management Strategies If IT was like a restaurant…then capacity management should be like the restaurant manager (aka Maître D’). Unfortunately, too many organizations are using capacity management as the clean-up department. When something goes wrong, capacity management fixes it. And while that used to work, that’s not the best...

Capacity Planning

Have you ever experienced an online service outage? It’s like losing half your physical locations without any warning. Downtime is a huge problem. It stops your revenue stream. It compromises customer loyalty. It damages your brand’s reputation. And it wastes hours and IT resources to fix the problem—when it shouldn’t have been a problem to begin with. Isn’t it about time you prevented downtime?...

Does Your Business Belong in the Cloud?

The cloud is all about access. It’s about getting access on-demand, access to resources needed for your growing demands, and controlling who has access to your information. Everybody is talking about it, but is the cloud the right answer for your business needs? And if so, which one?

Protect Your Administrator Accounts from Abuse

Attackers often use malware to exploit user credentials and gain access to sensitive data. Properly securing admin accounts is an important line of defense you don't want to ignore. Read on to learn how.

A Virus on i?

Do you all remember Malcom Haines’ presentation comparing the viruses on Windows and on IBM i? The first slide, for Microsoft, was an entire page filled, at a 4-point font, with different viruses. Then Malcom switched to the IBM i slide, which was blank. This would always result in an outburst in laughter among us IBM i evangelists.

The DDoS Deception You Need to Know About

A denial-of-service attack is any attempt to interrupt or inflict downtime upon IT systems, but a basic DoS threat is smaller in scale than its DDoS counterpart. With the former, the influx of traffic may come from a single source, while in a DDoS attack, traffic comes from numerous sources – making it more difficult to deal with.

PCI Compliance is Only the Beginning of Security

The recent string of breaches at prominent retailers such as Target and Neiman Marcus demonstrated that too many organizations still falsely equate PCI compliance with comprehensive security. Fully compliant organizations are being hit with attacks that compromise payment card data on a regular basis.

How “Smash and Grab” Compromises IBM i

During an audit a few years ago, I revealed to the client’s security team that corporate payroll information on every employee, including the CEO, was being archived in an output queue (called PAYROLL) for weeks at a time. Due to poor configuration, this information was accessible to every employee.

Your Biggest Challenge to IBM i User Onboarding

As companies bounce back from recession and place a stronger emphasis on digitally-driven innovations, IT departments are finally receiving the funds they need to hire qualified, new colleagues who can lighten the workload. However, the first order of business will be getting these recent hires up to speed.

Your Biggest Threat Since Edward Snowden

When Edward Snowden leaked the details of the National Security Agency’s PRISM program to the media, it resulted in a large public outcry and lot of unwanted attention. This doesn’t mean that system administrators should treat all of their contractors as the next Snowden, but it highlights the importance of ensuring that contractors, as well as employees, are sufficiently monitored and aware of how they are allowed to use company data.