

How to Get Started with IT Modernization

Modernization is more than simply switching from a green screen to a GUI. To have a truly modern IBM i data center, you must consider all areas of IT from your software and applications to your hardware and devices to the processes that support the whole operation. This guides helps you modernize your IBM i from the ground up.

2023 Domain Impersonation Report

Current Domain Threats, Trends, and Techniques Domain impersonation is the foundation for a multitude of online threats. Because a domain is dynamic, identifying when and how it will be used for malicious purposes can be challenging for security teams, and requires constant monitoring for behavior that will validate removal. In the 2023 Domain Impersonation Report, we review look-alike domain...

Preventing Domain Impersonation

How to Stop Look-Alike Domains and Spoofing In the first half of 2023, cybercriminals targeted company brands using an average of 40 look-alike domains per month. Domain impersonation threats trick users into giving away sensitive information by convincing them an email is from a trusted source or a website is authentic. It’s crucial that companies take preventive measures against look-alike...
Case Study

SFT Threat Protection Helps Credit Card Company Securely Transfer Files

Mercury® Financial needed a way to protect data in transit to stay secure and compliant. The added data security and peace of mind through the use of Clearswift Secure ICAP Gateway paired with the GoAnywhere MFT solution became the perfect pairing for the credit card company.

Time to Replace Legacy AS/400 Schedulers?

This guide explores the limitations of legacy AS400 schedulers, identifies the signs that it’s time for a change, and points to the benefits of automated operations using modern workload automation software built for IBM i.

A Guide to IBM i Message Management

This guide teaches you how to handle IBM i message management, including the fastest and more accurate ways to monitor for messages, filter critical messages, and escalate messages to members of your team as needed.

Robot in Modern IBM i Environments

Robot systems management solutions can improve processes and enhance the return on investment for new technologies running in modern IBM i environments. Find out how.

How to Handle Explosive IBM i Storage Growth

Data growth projections are simply too big to ignore. It’s essential that IT teams move away from reactive approaches and adopt a sustainable data storage management strategy. This guide is a great resource to get you started.

Free eBook: Secure File Transfer Project Examples

IT and cybersecurity teams frequently envision, create, and implement innovative uses for their secure file transfer software. These unique applications allow them to solve critical industry and organizational needs without using a secondary solution or tool!In this informational ebook, you'll discover countless ways your peers use managed file transfer (MFT) in their organizations. We share...