
On-Demand Webinar

Business Process Automation with Robot

Typical “computerized” business processes are a combination of multiple schedulers, operational scripts, CL programs, and manual file checking, all backed up with the trusty runbook. Is there a better way to manage business processes? You bet!
On-Demand Webinar

Quick and Easy IBM i Disk Space Management

Studies show that the amount of data stored worldwide will grow by 4,300% within 7 years. 80% of that growth is on enterprise servers like your IBM i. If you want to be prepared to manage that kind of big data, watch this webinar!
Case Study

Major Steel Supplier Strikes Gold with a Document and Forms Management Solution and Superb Support

Paperwork and steel go hand-in-hand for one major steel supplier (MSS) with locations across North America. Every piece of steel they ship includes paperwork assuring customers of the quality of the product they’re receiving.But MSS had a problem: their processes were keeping them from meeting customer expectations. It was time to make a change.The Paperwork ProblemPre-printed forms and Dot matrix...

Controlling SQL Updates Using Powertech Exit Point Manager for IBM i

Over the years, users have relied on commands like STRSQL and RUNSQL to provide instant and powerful access to the data on their Power Systems™ servers. All types of users—from programmers to system administrators to end users—use these commands as their primary interface for extracting and updating data. However, allowing a user to view, update, and even delete data without any control by the...

Do You Need Enterprise Scheduling Software?

Job scheduling was simpler when you only needed to worry about your IBM i (AS400) server and its batch processes, but several dynamics have changed over the past decade which have forced us into worrying about processes on other platforms.

Is Your Boss an Automation Skeptic?

There is little doubt among IT experts as to the potential benefits of implementing automation tools at deeper levels within the data center environment. Yet adoption rates have not always mirrored this optimism. Especially among the small business crowd, automation is still seen as something that is "nice to have" as opposed to mission-critical.

IT Security Compliance 101

In this compliance 101 primer, we'll look at three high-profile breaches from the past year, each of which shows what can go wrong when data oversight isn't up to snuff. Along the way, we'll discuss some basic fixes that can help shore up network defenses.

13 Tips to Write Secure Applications and Boost IBM i Security

Barely a day passes without new headlines reporting another cyber attack, policy violation, or data breach. Secretly, we breathe a sigh of relief that it happened to someone else, but most of us know that we’ll all eventually feel the impact in some capacity.

What’s New in IBM i 7.2?

May 2, 2014 marked another milestone for the IBM i OS. IBM continues to expand its technology support with its latest release, IBM i 7.2. Take a closer look at the new features you’ll want to know about.

Download “How IT Professionals Can Navigate PCI DSS Compliance” Guide

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) applies to every organization that processes credit or debit card information. This includes merchants and third-party service providers that store, process, or transmit credit card data.The launch of PCI DSS helped expose serious security shortcomings, failures to follow security best practices, and a...

Where to Start with IBM i Operations

Have you recently adopted an IBM server running IBM i and don’t know where to begin with system operations? You are not alone.

Is Your Team A Little Rusty on IBM i Operations?

Let’s be honest. Finding good training for your staff and instructors who really know IBM i can be an issue. Luckily, Fortra offers essential training on IBM i operations from experts with over 20 years of experience.