

Malware, Ransomware, and Viruses vs Your IBM i Server

Many of us have heard that you can’t get a virus on this platform, but the reality is that the integrated file system (IFS) is a tree-like structure. This structure can house Word documents, PDFs, MP3s, JPEG images, and these files can be just as infected on the IBM i server as they can on any Windows work station or server.

Is the AS/400 Dead?

Many IT professionals still use the term AS/400. But can a platform that was introduced in 1988 still be relevant today? The answers typically surprise people.

An IBM i Hacking Tale

Discover how penetration testing can be used on IBM i systems to find hidden vulnerabilities in your security. This post breaks down Core Impact's IBM i pen testing process from discovery to privilege escalation.

3 Ways Malware Can Reach Your IFS

It's true that IBM i can't be infected by a PC virus. It's also true that the IFS can act as a host and spread malicious programs throughout your environment.

IT Security Compliance 101

In this compliance 101 primer, we'll look at three high-profile breaches from the past year, each of which shows what can go wrong when data oversight isn't up to snuff. Along the way, we'll discuss some basic fixes that can help shore up network defenses.

What’s New in IBM i 7.2?

May 2, 2014 marked another milestone for the IBM i OS. IBM continues to expand its technology support with its latest release, IBM i 7.2. Take a closer look at the new features you’ll want to know about.

Is Your Team A Little Rusty on IBM i Operations?

Let’s be honest. Finding good training for your staff and instructors who really know IBM i can be an issue. Luckily, Fortra offers essential training on IBM i operations from experts with over 20 years of experience.