

Untrustworthy Email in Inboxes Reaches All-Time High

In Q1, the volume of emails classified as malicious or do not engage reached nearly a quarter of all reported emails. This is the highest combined volume of these categories since Fortra’s PhishLabs has documented this data point. Of those classified as malicious, threats considered email impersonation or, those lacking known signatures, made up a significant 98.7%. Every quarter, PhishLabs...

The Evolution of Cybersecurity Solutions for Organizations

In the early days of the internet, cybersecurity was fairly straightforward, with all solutions and strategies geared toward prevention. While prevention remains critical, cybersecurity has also had to evolve, with businesses layering their defenses and regularly evaluating the status of their safeguards to adapt to change—whether those be organizational or within the wider cybersecurity sphere.

Database Transaction Log Management

Don't let database transaction logs weigh you down. Find out how to preserve data integrity and consume less disk space.