
Case Study

SFT Threat Protection Helps Credit Card Company Securely Transfer Files

Mercury® Financial needed a way to protect data in transit to stay secure and compliant. The added data security and peace of mind through the use of Clearswift Secure ICAP Gateway paired with the GoAnywhere MFT solution became the perfect pairing for the credit card company.
Press Release

The Argument for a National US Data Privacy Framework

Consumer privacy legislation is a critical foundation in protecting the rights of consumers and ensuring their safety and privacy online. Many countries around the world have already adopted comprehensive legal protections for personal data.
Press Release

US Data Privacy Gains Momentum

Data privacy and protection laws are becoming increasingly more commonplace across the US, with different states introducing new regulations.

How GoAnywhere MFT Can Support You During COVID-19

Due to COVID-19, workforces are now more remote than ever. Unfortunately, this means sensitive data is likely not as safe as it should be. Secure MFT solutions are a proactive practice to implement.