

6 Users to Put on Your Security Watch List

Most IT teams have processes in place to deal with security threats like malware, spam emails, and brute-force attacks. But while these processes provide relief of mind and protection from external data breaches, it’s not always outside hackers you have to worry about.Sometimes, security threats come from the inside.In this ebook, you'll learn about eight user types we think you should put on your...

The Ultimate Guide to Investing in Secure File Transfer Software

Are you struggling to secure your file transfers? Need to invest in secure file transfer software but aren’t sure where to look? We’ve got you covered. Walk through the buying process, from start to finish, with this free Ultimate Secure Managed File Transfer Buyer’s Guide.

Managing Your IBM i Audit Data

Let’s face it; system administration remains a largely thankless task. From scheduling jobs to balancing workloads to answering messages in QSYSOPR, administrators and operators work diligently behind the scenes to ensure that IBM i servers are available to run mission-critical applications.
On-Demand Webinar

Everything You Need to Know About RPA in 30 Minutes

If you’re hearing terms like digital workforce, software robot, and automation center of excellence, but aren’t sure what it all means, this webinar is for you. Learn about the advantages of automation with RPA, real-life robotic process automation use cases, and common RPA terminology.
On-Demand Webinar

Deploying Multi-Factor Authentication in Your Enterprise

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) exists because of the steady increase in data breach events. A data breach can subject your organization to steep fines, litigation, and even criminal prosecution. And it opens innocent third parties to identify theft, which you may also be legally required to mitigate—at your own expense. MFA protects you from the most common cause of a data breach: compromised...

10 Essential Tips for Securing FTP and SFTP Servers

Most organizations use FTP or SFTP servers to exchange files and other critical business documents with their trading partners. Unfortunately, these servers have become a primary target for hackers. Learn SFTP security best practices in this blog and webinar.

Download "Secure Inside and Out: Maximizing Intrusion Detection and Prevention on IBM i"

Data leaks and operational disruptions can come from any source—internal or external. To protect sensitive data from modern cyberthreats, all organizations need a robust intrusion detection and prevention system (IDS/IPS). The IBM i operating system includes advanced capabilities for detecting and preventing external threats, but there are still gaps that must be filled. Download this guide...

How To Maintain Your Data Integrity

File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) helps ensure that your critical and sensitive data is viewed and changed only by authorized personnel through approved channels. Candidates for FIM include application files containing sensitive data, such as personnel or financial data, and server configuration files.

The DDoS Deception You Need to Know About

A denial-of-service attack is any attempt to interrupt or inflict downtime upon IT systems, but a basic DoS threat is smaller in scale than its DDoS counterpart. With the former, the influx of traffic may come from a single source, while in a DDoS attack, traffic comes from numerous sources – making it more difficult to deal with.

How “Smash and Grab” Compromises IBM i

During an audit a few years ago, I revealed to the client’s security team that corporate payroll information on every employee, including the CEO, was being archived in an output queue (called PAYROLL) for weeks at a time. Due to poor configuration, this information was accessible to every employee.

What is the Value of SIEM?

As is often the case in the technology industry, the details surrounding security information and event management can be a little unclear. While vendors may offer solutions of varying complexity, there is still a basic idea behind most SIEM products…