

SECURITY DASHBOARDS: How IT Can Use Data to Lower Risk

Data security has been a prominent feature in recent technology headlines as the costs associated with data breaches continue to escalate. Business and IT leaders alike have become all too aware of the need to protect valuable information, but questions of how - and to what extent protection is needed- are common sticking points. The rule of least privilege has been a long-held strategy that...

SEQUEL Works with your Growing (BIG) Data

As you collect more information, your relational database files continue to grow and you’re faced with a challenging issue: how to handle all of that information efficiently and accurately, and how to overcome the obstacle of mining and delivering useful information without bogging down the system. Partition files are the solution to BIG DATA on IBM i because of: Improved manageability for...

Separate Signal From Noise in Big Data

You don’t need a reminder of the strain big data will place on your IBM i storage environments in the coming months and years, but server workloads won’t be the only thing expanding. As CIOs navigate the transition from megabytes and gigabytes to terabytes and petabytes, their colleagues' business intelligence plans continue to grow more complex and ambitious as well. In the age of data-driven...

Getting the Most Out of DB2

Used the right way, structured query language (SQL) can be an advantage for any organization's operations. Used the wrong way, it can be a headache for IT professionals. A majority of computing operations are dependent on the ability to access information from a database. That's where SQL queries come in. So the efficiency of SQL queries in DB2 can dramatically impact the tasks running on IBM i...

HANDS OFF! Saying Goodbye to Manual Data Access

Organizations today face an ever-expanding volume of information that must be analyzed and delivered to the right people. While the resulting business intelligence offers us insight into processes and customers, many companies still rely on practices and technology that aren’t suited for managing data on a large scale. As a December 2012 Financial Director article highlighted, 60 percent of those...
Case Study

Fortra Automates Report Delivery at Ullico

Reports are an essential part of all businesses. Among other purposes, they help organizations to better manage and control their operations. But what if managing those documents placed an unnecessary burden on the enterprise? Paper-based reports do exactly that.
Case Study

Fortra Document Management Helps TPi Fit the Bill

When TPi began to evaluate opportunities in this area, customers were not yet battering down the doors demanding electronic invoices and statements, but the company recognized the market trends and proactively decided to provide Web access for many of the documents it produces.
Case Study

Toter Trashes Burdensome Paper Flows Results

Toter sells primarily to municipalities, but also to private haulers. That business generates a large number of documents in the form of bids, proposals and contracts. Warrantees associated with contracts can last for as long as 10 years. Consequently, the related documents must be retained for a considerable time.
Case Study

Skidmore Sales Feeds Quality Document Management

Food quality and safety is a paramount concern for everyone from farmers and food processers to end-consumers, and everyone in between. Not surprisingly, ensuring food quality requires the management of a considerable volume of documents.
Case Study

Schaumburg School District Learns about Document Protection from Fortra

All organizations must take into account two important characteristics of documents. First, the information they contain is often invaluable. Second, paper burns. These two traits were on the school district’s mind when it decided to look for a way to better protect critical personnel documents.
Case Study

Fortra Tunes-Up Information Flows at Roland

Traditionally, the road between an instrument-maker and music-makers was paved, in part, with paper. For example, Roland stores over 200,000 pages of legal documents alone. Because they were stored on paper, searching through them to find a specific document was time consuming.
Case Study

Ripon Medical Center Achieves Healthy Document Management

A medical center’s goal is superior health outcomes. Medical treatments and services are clearly paramount in achieving that objective, but good healthcare also demands good recordkeeping. Each patient visit generates documents, including not just the patient’s medical chart, but also registration information and various forms required to receive reimbursement from insurance companies or the government.
Case Study

Webdocs Gives Realstar Title an Edge on the Competition

The number of forms and documents required for most real estate transactions makes the business of providing title insurance not only labor-intensive, but paper-intensive. Reams of paper documents are generated, all of which need to be easily accessed and safely and securely stored. Realstar quickly learned that the 20-30 documents involved in a typical closing created a document management problem.
Case Study

Major Brands Toasts the Benefits of Digital Documents its business may be beverages, Major Brands, Missouri’s largest wholesale distributor of wines and spirits, also has to manage an enormous quantity of a commodity that is anything but liquid: paper. State regulations require the company to keep signed invoices for the deliveries it makes to its grocery store, restaurant, night club and other retail customers.
Case Study

KSB Hospital Ensures Healthy Document and Image Management

In October 2003, the board of directors and president of KSB Hospital gave the hospital a mandate to move toward the future by implementing electronic management of medical records and images. This was seen as a way to streamline information flows and reduce costs.