

With Public Cloud OS Instances Growing, Security Challenges Grow, Too

“Some cloud vendors tout that systems deployed within their framework require little or no administration: You create an image with the software and applications that you want it to provide services for, spin it up in a management console, and Voila! you have an entirely new system online; with minimal cost, no hassle, little work. However, even...
On-Demand Webinar

Best Practices for Avoiding Network Outages

The financial ramifications of technological failure for a business can be devastating. If your company's infrastructure fails you can potentially lose business, customers, and even your reputation. Proactively monitoring your network can ensure this doesn't happen.
Case Study

How Peoples Telephone Reboots Equipment Instantly with Network Monitoring & Automation

What if you could reduce an eight-hour outage… to no time at all? That’s exactly what Peoples Telephone Cooperative did. Faced with sudden equipment failures, they started monitoring their network… then went one step further to automatically fix the outages. Now this savvy telecommunications service provider saves countless man hours, makes sure technicians get a full night’s sleep every night,...

Controlling SSH for Security and Compliance

SSH is nearly ubiquitous in today’s enterprises, and is the predominant tool for managing unix and linux servers, and the applications and data that they host. Poor practices around the deployment and management of the SSH infrastructure could easily leave your enterprise vulnerable to a breach. Are you in control? SSH, Secure Shell protocol, is now nineteen years old and broadly deployed across...

Sudo or SuDon't: Manage Your Privileged Command Execution and Sudo Policies

System admins need root level authority at all times, system operations staff needs periodic database and application account authority, and security admins needing to protect the environment are some of the few of the challenges of managing privilege in the enterprise server infrastructure. Read this article to learn more about Sudo alternatives.