
News Article

Keeping Personal Data Secure

With the rise in phishing attacks and identify theft, Ciaran Rafferty, Managing Director, Email Security at Fortra looks at emerging trends and ways organizations can keep their sensitive data secure. He also provides an update on what to expect from Fortra in 2022.
News Article

Your Money or Your Business: Beating the Business of Ransomware

Ransomware is big business. Attacks have evolved to become more complex, damaging and far reaching. In Teiss magazine, Mieng Lim, VP of Product Management, provides advice on how to protect against ransomware and prevent cybercriminals from penetrating an organization's defenses.

The Difference Between OCR and IDP

Compare optical character recognition (OCR) and intelligent document processing (IDP) to learn when to use each to make structured and unstructured data more usable.
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How to Keep Sensitive Data Safe and Compliant

Keeping data secure is a constant exercise of fighting cyber threats that change daily and maintaining a strong training program for employees to stay vigilant. On top of protecting your data, it needs to be compliant which can be a daunting task - especially if your business transcends geographical boarders. Some of the most impactful regulations are General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and...

Solutions for Vulnerability Management

This guest blog from Dr. Edward Amoroso, Tag Cyber provides a high-level overview of modern advances in vulnerability management and how the Fortra cybersecurity portfolio supports this important method for addressing exploitable weaknesses in an enterprise.
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Opening Up Communication Between Your Board and CISO

In Intelligent CISO, Adam Burns Director of Cybersecurity at Digital Guardian by Fortra, offers some top tips for building a culture of cybersecurity and ensuring productive communication between the CISO and the board.