

Robot in Modern IBM i Environments

Robot systems management solutions can improve processes and enhance the return on investment for new technologies running in modern IBM i environments. Find out how.

How to Handle Explosive IBM i Storage Growth

Data growth projections are simply too big to ignore. It’s essential that IT teams move away from reactive approaches and adopt a sustainable data storage management strategy. This guide is a great resource to get you started.

IBM on IASP for PowerHA Implementations

You’ve heard about IASP technology many times over the years, but you’ve been ignoring it, haven’t you? Steve Finnes confirms that it’s past time we “get to know it, understand it, and not be afraid of it.”

Remember the IFS!

Ask any security professional which area of IBM i security is most often ignored and chances are that the unanimous response is a chorus of “the Integrated File System.” Although it’s been around since V3R1, the Integrated File System, or IFS, remains a shrouded mystery that represents significant risk to many IBM i organizations.

Download “How IT Professionals Can Navigate PCI DSS Compliance” Guide

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) applies to every organization that processes credit or debit card information. This includes merchants and third-party service providers that store, process, or transmit credit card data.The launch of PCI DSS helped expose serious security shortcomings, failures to follow security best practices, and a...

Robot and FlashCopy

Last month, Chuck Stupca (retired IBMer) and Chuck Losinski (Fortra) presented a webinar discussing FlashCopy for IBM i. Based on the attendance, it looks like this is a very important topic for many of you so I wanted to explain how FlashCopy ties to Robot products.

Is the i Ready for the Three Vs of Big Data?

The three Vs of big data are volume, velocity, and variety, but in order derive value from big data, IT departments need tools to store massive amounts of data (volume) and make sure it is always available for quick analysis (velocity).

Robot Best Practices

Wondering about best practices for automating your IBM i processes with Robot systems management solutions? Take a look at this list and get off to a good start.