

How to Get Started with IT Modernization

Modernization is more than simply switching from a green screen to a GUI. To have a truly modern IBM i data center, you must consider all areas of IT from your software and applications to your hardware and devices to the processes that support the whole operation. This guides helps you modernize your IBM i from the ground up.

2023 Domain Impersonation Report

Current Domain Threats, Trends, and Techniques Domain impersonation is the foundation for a multitude of online threats. Because a domain is dynamic, identifying when and how it will be used for malicious purposes can be challenging for security teams, and requires constant monitoring for behavior that will validate removal. In the 2023 Domain Impersonation Report, we review look-alike domain...

Preventing Domain Impersonation

How to Stop Look-Alike Domains and Spoofing In the first half of 2023, cybercriminals targeted company brands using an average of 40 look-alike domains per month. Domain impersonation threats trick users into giving away sensitive information by convincing them an email is from a trusted source or a website is authentic. It’s crucial that companies take preventive measures against look-alike...

The RPA Buyer's Guide

The RPA Buyer's Guide Everyone has repetitive, manual tasks that take up their precious time. They’re tedious to get through and eat up the time you could be spending on more important work. With a robotic process automation (RPA) solution, you can reclaim your time by streamlining your processes. Simply put, RPA is transforming the way businesses operate. RPA solutions are designed to boost...

Four Ways to RPA: An Exploration of the Different Types of Process Automation

The Evolution of RPA Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has taken the world by storm in recent years because of its ability to automate mundane tasks that humans are still performing manually. However, automation as a software solution has been around long before the term RPA was widely used. Progressing from script-based automation tools to business process automation to specialized tools for...

Robot in Modern IBM i Environments

Robot systems management solutions can improve processes and enhance the return on investment for new technologies running in modern IBM i environments. Find out how.

6 Simple Ways to Get Moving with RPA

Businesses across every industry and sector are growing increasingly reliant upon automation processes to improve organizational efficiency, boost customer satisfaction levels, and reduce operational costs. The most innovative and forward-thinking companies are consistently hearing that Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is systematically transforming the business world. However, they are also...

Understanding RPA ROI: How to Measure It and Why It’s Important

Introduction Robotic process automation (RPA) can deliver significant benefits to companies of practically any size and in any industry. Its ability to improve productivity, increase innovation, and help companies deliver a better experience to customers makes it one of the most valuable tools of modern business. With effective tools for measuring the impact of RPA, companies can show that these...

Maximizing Your RPA ROI

Learn how you can maximize RPA ROI with a long-term vision, knowledge of potential costs, and the savings that come from implementing an RPA solution.

Essentials for Privileged Access Management

Learn how you can effectively and efficiently control privileged UNIX and Linux accounts from accessing data or executing any application by using centralized access management.

Controlling SSH for Security and Compliance

SSH is nearly ubiquitous in today’s enterprises, and is the predominant tool for managing unix and linux servers, and the applications and data that they host. Poor practices around the deployment and management of the SSH infrastructure could easily leave your enterprise vulnerable to a breach. Are you in control? SSH, Secure Shell protocol, is now nineteen years old and broadly deployed across...

Enterprise Monitoring Success

Thinner profit margins and higher customer expectations mean IT needs to up their game. Learn how enterprise monitoring can help and how to deploy a quality enterprise monitoring system successfully.