

Sequel Data Access

Sequel Data Access helps your IT department deliver IBM i and remote data to business users and executives fast.

Intermapper Remote Access

Intermapper Remote Access extends the reach of Intermapper by giving you and your staff access to maps, submaps, and configuration options, regardless of your location.
Case Study

How Peoples Telephone Reboots Equipment Instantly with Network Monitoring & Automation

What if you could reduce an eight-hour outage… to no time at all? That’s exactly what Peoples Telephone Cooperative did. Faced with sudden equipment failures, they started monitoring their network… then went one step further to automatically fix the outages. Now this savvy telecommunications service provider saves countless man hours, makes sure technicians get a full night’s sleep every night,...

10 Essential Tips for Securing FTP and SFTP Servers

Most organizations use FTP or SFTP servers to exchange files and other critical business documents with their trading partners. Unfortunately, these servers have become a primary target for hackers. Learn SFTP security best practices in this blog and webinar.

Use Conditional Logic in Sequel Data Access to Convert Data into Meaningful Information

Let’s face it, the amount of data that we have is only continuing to grow, which will become harder to manage and understand. Per IDC Research, 90 percent of data in the world today was created in the last two years, and in 2016, we entered the zettabyte era. A huge challenge for everyone is finding the best way to convert all their data into meaningful information. But that can be tricky. If...

Database Transaction Log Management

Don't let database transaction logs weigh you down. Find out how to preserve data integrity and consume less disk space.