
Live Event
File integrity monitoring was invented by Tripwire’s founder over 25 years ago and has evolved over time to become one of the most important security controls — so critical, in fact, that it’s required by major compliance standards like the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). But what a lot of cybersecurity professionals aren’t familiar with is how FIM has...
Case Study

Alaska Communications Reaches New Heights with Network Monitoring from Intermapper

Alaska Communications is an internet service provider (ISP) supporting communications infrastructure in Alaska. Their team provides critical network services to customers—oftentimes, in remote locations. The company was in the midst of developing plans for a new site—one which was located on a mountaintop. With this remote site, they knew they were in for an uphill battle regarding maintenance and...
Case Study

How Peoples Telephone Reboots Equipment Instantly with Network Monitoring & Automation

What if you could reduce an eight-hour outage… to no time at all? That’s exactly what Peoples Telephone Cooperative did. Faced with sudden equipment failures, they started monitoring their network… then went one step further to automatically fix the outages. Now this savvy telecommunications service provider saves countless man hours, makes sure technicians get a full night’s sleep every night,...