

Using Reviews to Choose RPA Software

Analyze RPA reviews with a more critical eye to better understand how a robotic process automation vendor can meet your organization’s needs.

Windows DWM Core Library Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability (CVE-2024-30051)

In this blog post, I will explain a vulnerability in the Microsoft Windows Desktop Windows Manager (DWM) Core library that I analyzed when the exploit for Core Impact was being developed. This vulnerability allows an unprivileged attacker to execute code as a DWM user with Integrity System privileges (CVE-2024-30051).Since there was not enough public information at the time to develop the exploit,...

Introduction to Advanced Web UI Automation

Learn web browser automation best practices using Fortra's Automate. Easily build out automations for web processes involving browsers and portals to eliminate manual tasks.

Patch Tuesday Update August 2024

The three CVSS 9.8 vulnerabilities included in this month’s patch drop are likely to be the first thing that catches anyone’s attention this month. All three are remote, unauthenticated code execution, the very type of vulnerability where we previously would have used the word, “wormable.”

RPA Implementation Guide

Robotic process automation (RPA) implementation is about more than just finding a software tool. RPA can transform your business by simplifying the tedious, repetitive processes holding you back, but to do so, you need a proper RPA implementation strategy.Companies want to embrace the transformative technology but struggle with where to start, what processes to automate, and how to measure the...

How to Automate Login to a Website and Download a File

If you're a developer, scripting automations like webpage logins and file downloads can be fun. But most business users don't have the time or skill for such an undertaking. Learn how robotic process automation (RPA) offers an alternative to scripting and makes it easy to automate login to a website and download a file.

Automated Integration: The Fuel for Your Digital Transformation

As organizations embrace digital transformation, there are certain concepts and technologies that are crucial to maximizing the benefits. The various types of automation are essential for achieving your digital transformation, but without application integration, you could end up with a tangled mess of siloed applications and systems. And while automation and application integration may seem like...

The 10 Principles of Automation

Our experts developed the following best practices for easing automation implementation and advancing automated operations over the course of 30 years of working to help businesses make their processes more efficient. Let the countdown begin!

What to Look for in Web Scraping Tools

The internet provides all the information you could ever want, right at your fingertips. While it’s made accessing information—like market research, stock information, and content aggregation to name just a few—much easier, manually grabbing data from websites can still be a daunting, time-consuming task. By investing in web scraping software web scraping software, you can streamline workflows...