
News Article

How to Fortify Defenses Before Threats Materialize

Cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated and frequent, yet many organizations still face challenges due to limited resources. In ITSecurityWire, Fortra's Chris Reffkin highlights prioritizing remediation, closing the skills gap, and ongoing improvement.
News Article

Manufacturing Business Technology: Security Breach Podcast

Supply chain attacks disrupt not only the targeted company but also the entire logistical and distribution network, posing significant challenges and costs. Theo Zafirakos addresses how companies should respond to the rise in these attacks on Manufacturing Business Technology's Security Breach Podcast.
News Article

The ChannelPro Network: Voice of the Vendor

In her interview with The ChannelPro Network, Michaela Grundman, Associate VP of Product Management at Fortra, introduced the Fortra Platform and discussed how it helps mitigate multi-vector attacks.