

3 Ways Malware Can Reach Your IFS

It's true that IBM i can't be infected by a PC virus. It's also true that the IFS can act as a host and spread malicious programs throughout your environment.

Malware, Ransomware, and Viruses vs Your IBM i Server

Many of us have heard that you can’t get a virus on this platform, but the reality is that the integrated file system (IFS) is a tree-like structure. This structure can house Word documents, PDFs, MP3s, JPEG images, and these files can be just as infected on the IBM i server as they can on any Windows work station or server.

Is the AS/400 Dead?

Many IT professionals still use the term AS/400. But can a platform that was introduced in 1988 still be relevant today? The answers typically surprise people.

You’ve Upgraded Your Hardware. Now It’s Time to Upgrade Your Security Posture

If you have recently upgraded your hardware, our this is a great opportunity to establish IBM i security best practices for your organization now and into the future — and our free Security Scan will help you do just that. The Security Scan takes an inventory of your current security settings and uses the results to demonstrate your data’s degree of vulnerability and pinpoint specific weaknesses.

INFOGRAPHIC: How to Protect Your Data from Email Phishing Attacks

Responding to a sender, clicking on a link, or downloading a file that may not be trustworthy can lead to data corruption, leaked confidential information, and infected devices or networks. View this infographic to see tips for protecting against phishing attacks.

Evolve Your Security Strategy to Prepare for DORA

Although the DORA compliance deadline is further away, financial institutions regulated by the Act should start preparing their journey now, before the last minute panic keeps knocking on your door. Antonio Sanchez breaks down the five DORA pillars and highlights what it takes to evolve your security effort.

Untrustworthy Email in Inboxes Reaches All-Time High

In Q1, the volume of emails classified as malicious or do not engage reached nearly a quarter of all reported emails. This is the highest combined volume of these categories since Fortra’s PhishLabs has documented this data point. Of those classified as malicious, threats considered email impersonation or, those lacking known signatures, made up a significant 98.7%. Every quarter, PhishLabs...

An IBM i Hacking Tale

Discover how penetration testing can be used on IBM i systems to find hidden vulnerabilities in your security. This post breaks down Core Impact's IBM i pen testing process from discovery to privilege escalation.

How to Meet Cyber Insurance Requirements for IBM i

Discover what cyber insurance is, the solutions you may need to qualify or lower premiums, and what Fortra offers to assist your IBM i organization with becoming cyber insured.

Ransomware Attacks: Why Email Is Still THE Most Common Delivery Method

Organizations face a growing danger from phishing and ransomware, which have been the most common forms of cybercrime in recent years. Most businesses have fallen victim to phishing or ransomware attacks at some point. Every business needs to act against the growing threat of phishing, the primary method through which ransomware and other malware are spread. On the bright side, organizations have...

Preparing for the Impact of PCI DSS 4.0

Stealing credit card data is a perennial favorite of cybercriminals everywhere, whose aggressive tactics to score sensitive accountholder details result in breach after breach for organizations small and large. In its most recent research on payment card fraud, The Nilson Report found $28.6 billion in losses for 2020 (nearly 36% in the U.S. alone),...