
News Article

VMblog: RSA Conference 2023 Q&A

In his Q&A with VMblog, Antonio Sanchez talked about Fortra’s activities at RSA, highlighting our latest product innovations and sharing industry insights.
News Article

Computing: The Importance of Automation and the Trends Driving it

In this video, Stuart Sumner, Editorial Director of Computing and Donnie MacColl, Senior Director of Technical Services at Fortra, explore the trends surrounding the current state of automation and discuss how to create a successful implementation strategy for fast ROI.
News Article

Your Money or Your Business: Beating the Business of Ransomware

Ransomware is big business. Attacks have evolved to become more complex, damaging and far reaching. In Teiss magazine, Mieng Lim, VP of Product Management, provides advice on how to protect against ransomware and prevent cybercriminals from penetrating an organization's defenses.
News Article

Understanding Your Automation Journey

In this Information Age article, Ravi Dirckze, Technical Product Manager at Fortra, explains the need for businesses to understand their automation journey.
News Article

Cybersecurity Interview with Mieng Lim

In Unite.AI’s cybersecurity interview, Mieng Lim, VP Product Management at Digital Defense by Fortra, talks about her career at Digital Defense and explains why vulnerability management is fundamental for today’s connected organization.