

Guide to Creating a Proactive Cybersecurity Strategy

Cyber attacks are common, with 89% of companies experiencing an attack in the last 12 months*. It’s time to stop asking if attacks will occur and start asking if you can stop attacks from being successful. One of the best ways to answer this question is by employing a proactive security program. Using assessment and testing to harden your cybersecurity measures, proactive security: Uncovers...

Major Launches Announced on Release Day 2024.2

About Fortra’s Release Day Each quarter, we at Fortra get to roll out the fruits of our labors for the past few months. We showcase new features, updates, and even products. This Release Day features several groundbreaking projects. We’ve broken into the XDR arena and are thrilled to introduce you to our new offering. We’ve issued major releases for over a half-dozen of our flagship products....

The Value of a Tech Update

When was the last time you talked to your key ISVs? Fortra recommends an annual touch base to keep you informed on technology directions that can benefit your business.

The 10 Principles of Automation

Our experts developed the following best practices for easing automation implementation and advancing automated operations over the course of 30 years of working to help businesses make their processes more efficient. Let the countdown begin!

How to Get Started with IT Modernization

Modernization is more than simply switching from a green screen to a GUI. To have a truly modern IBM i data center, you must consider all areas of IT from your software and applications to your hardware and devices to the processes that support the whole operation. This guides helps you modernize your IBM i from the ground up.

Is the AS/400 Dead?

Many IT professionals still use the term AS/400. But can a platform that was introduced in 1988 still be relevant today? The answers typically surprise people.

IBM i: History and Timeline

Did you know that IBM i’s origins pre-date the AS/400 server? Read on for IBM i operating system history and the IBM server history that has supported this powerful platform for decades.

Fortra's Complete Guide to Layered Offensive Security

Most organizations have a decent understanding of the types of defensive security tactics they need to employ to thwart cyberattacks. But offensive security techniques are just as important for detecting existing vulnerabilities that a threat actor has yet to discover and exploit. Learn how to approach offensive security from the ground up, including the value of using a layered security...

Lessons Learned from IBM's Native Scheduler

The systems that businesses rely on today are increasingly complex and challenging to manage without sophisticated job scheduling tools. According to the annual IBM i Marketplace Survey Results, only 22 percent of IBM i shops are running the IBM i operating system exclusively. 68 percent are also running the Windows OS, another 56 percent are running Linux, and 26 percent are running AIX. That...

What Does IBM Power10 Mean for IBM i?

Technology investments around IBM i shouldn’t be scary. The system is built so that the hardware can evolve while your business applications run with little or no interruption. Read on to learn more.

Time to Replace Legacy AS/400 Schedulers?

This guide explores the limitations of legacy AS400 schedulers, identifies the signs that it’s time for a change, and points to the benefits of automated operations using modern workload automation software built for IBM i.

A Single Pane of Glass for Multi-Platform Systems Management

Bring disparate systems, platforms, devices, and applications together in one place and on one screen to make systems management easier and create a consistent and common methodology to varying departments within the IT infrastructure. Combining Halcyon’s Enterprise Console, Operations Center Suite, and Network Server Suite can provide a single pane of glass for managing your IT environment. See how here.

A Guide to IBM i Message Management

This guide teaches you how to handle IBM i message management, including the fastest and more accurate ways to monitor for messages, filter critical messages, and escalate messages to members of your team as needed.