

6 Users to Put on Your Security Watch List

Most IT teams have processes in place to deal with security threats like malware, spam emails, and brute-force attacks. But while these processes provide relief of mind and protection from external data breaches, it’s not always outside hackers you have to worry about. Sometimes, security threats come from the inside. In this ebook, you'll learn about eight user types we think you should put on...

How to Download an ODBC Driver

Performance Navigator® requires an ODBC connection to connect to your IBM i system, but it does not come with your PC’s operating system. IBM has a downloadable they’ve titled Access Client Solutions, which we recommend our customers use to get that ODBC connection.

FAQs about Performance Navigator

Will this product hurt the performance of my IBM i®? You will not even notice that the product is working. The data gathering software is already part of the OS. I currently have a subscription to IBM's PM for Power service. How is Performance Navigator compared to PM? Glad you asked... Performance Navigator uses exactly the same input as PM for Power, Collection Services. Performance Navigator...