
On-Demand Webinar

Speed Up Your Manufacturing and Distribution with Paperless Processes

Your ERP system —whether it’s JDE World, Enterprise One, Infor, Epicor, Microsoft Dynamics, VAI, or anything else—is essential to maintaining your company’s key business information and processes. But you’re constantly generating and receiving paper and electronic documents, too, and it’s hard to keep everything straight. So, you wind up chasing documents and data around—and keeping your customers...
Case Study

Major Steel Supplier Strikes Gold with a Document and Forms Management Solution and Superb Support

Paperwork and steel go hand-in-hand for one major steel supplier (MSS) with locations across North America. Every piece of steel they ship includes paperwork assuring customers of the quality of the product they’re receiving.But MSS had a problem: their processes were keeping them from meeting customer expectations. It was time to make a change.The Paperwork ProblemPre-printed forms and Dot matrix...

4 Reasons to Add VTLs

Backup and recovery processes are among the unsung heroes of data center operations. Though end results may not be readily apparent on an everyday basis, natural and digital disasters have a way of humbling companies that do not take this risk management discipline seriously.

IT Security Compliance 101

In this compliance 101 primer, we'll look at three high-profile breaches from the past year, each of which shows what can go wrong when data oversight isn't up to snuff. Along the way, we'll discuss some basic fixes that can help shore up network defenses.

Concerns in Creating a Paperless Office

Identified as a key trend of the future and a way to improve business efficiency, the idea of a “paperless” office (or more realistically, a “less paper” office) is spreading relatively slowly. Why is that?

Download “How IT Professionals Can Navigate PCI DSS Compliance” Guide

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) applies to every organization that processes credit or debit card information. This includes merchants and third-party service providers that store, process, or transmit credit card data.The launch of PCI DSS helped expose serious security shortcomings, failures to follow security best practices, and a...

Self-Audit: Checking Assumptions at the Door

Sysadmins, devops engineers, and cybersecurity personnel are often kept awake by a number of questions. How should I monitor my monitoring to be sure it will alert me when there is a security issue that needs my intervention? How can I be sure that the servers and processes in the environment haven’t been rooted already? In the quest to get better sleep, it is a good idea to self-audit your...

Say Goodbye to Document Mismanagement

We write a lot on this blog about document management, but this time we wanted to share a graphic illustrating the struggles that some companies and individuals still face in their processes. Can you see yourself (or your company) in any of these stats? If so, let us help you find a solution! With RJS, your company can digitize...

Dealing with Temporary Files in WebDocs iSeries

WebDocs iSeries uses the IFS directory /RJSTEMP and the library RJSTEMP to store information and files temporarily. In general, it will attempt to clean up after itself, but there are situations which arise that do not perform clean up operations. As a result, files will gradually accumulate, taking up disk that could otherwise be used for other processes. The RJSTEMP library The RJSTEMP isn’t...

Advanced Troubleshooting in WebDocs iSeries

As a WebDocs iSeries administrator, if something goes wrong your users will look to you to find, and fix, the matter. Simply knowing where to look when an initial error message is unclear can resolve a huge percentage of difficulties.