

What is a Vulnerability Management Program?

The Equifax breach was caused by a vulnerability. The WannaCry virus exploited a vulnerability. The stories don’t seem to end but it seems like no one is talking about how to solve this problem which is: start a vulnerability management program. “Manage the vulnerabilities in my network? Sounds easy” well, not so much, but not so difficult that you shouldn’t be spending time and resources on it....

6 Ways to Defend Yourself Against Password Attacks

Ever since Ali Baba uttered “open sesame,” thieves have been using stolen passwords to access hidden riches. In the digital world, password attacks have been and continue to be a common way for threat actors to gain access to an organization’s treasure trove of data. No matter how many emails we get from IT explaining what makes a good password, many of us still use the same basic password in...

Modern Data Security for the Enterprise

In this guest blog, Christopher Wilder of Tag Cyber provides a high-level overview of how companies can layer security solutions to ensure their data is fully protected no matter where it resides, how it travels or is shared.

Penetration Testing Frequency: How Often Should You Test?

Penetration testing has become an increasingly standard exercise, with organizations using either pen testing services or in-house teams to uncover weaknesses and assess their security posture. Many businesses want to stay proactive about securing their IT environment and find that pen testing helps them stay compliant and prove adherence to regulations or industry best practices. According to the...

Solutions for Vulnerability Management

This guest blog from Dr. Edward Amoroso, Tag Cyber provides a high-level overview of modern advances in vulnerability management and how the Fortra cybersecurity portfolio supports this important method for addressing exploitable weaknesses in an enterprise.

What is the Data Security Lifecycle?

What is the data security lifecycle, and how does it impact your business? Discover the stages of the data security lifecycle, and how end-to-end encryption can help with your data protection.

Data Privacy vs. Data Security: What’s the Difference?

Learn the Difference between Data Privacy and Data Security. Data privacy can’t happen without layered Data Security measures applied throughout the sensitive Data’s lifecycle.

A Beginners Guide to Protecting Your Data

In this blog, Steph Charbonneau, Senior Director of Industry Strategy at Fortra, talks you through some of the most valuable aspects of data protection and how to measure success of your organizational programs.

How to Meet Biden’s Executive Order on Cybersecurity Requirements

On May 12, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order designed to improve the nation’s cybersecurity and to better protect federal government networks. Learn more about the executive order in our blog.

Realize ROI with Robot

Robot has a reputation for providing high-quality systems management software and backing it up with great support. These additional benefits can help you justify the cost of automation at your company.

Increased Home Working is Recognized by CISOs as the Cybersecurity Threat with the Potential to Cause the Most Damage

We work with many of the biggest Financial Services (FS) enterprises in the US and hear first-hand about some of the cybersecurity challenges they face on a daily basis. It’s a tough world out there and it’s getting tougher, according to the findings in our recent survey of 250 global FS CISOs and CIOs.Almost two-thirds of global FS firms have...

Six Strategies to Ensure You Give the Right Access to the Right People at the Right Time

Part 2 of the Improving Your Security-Efficiency Balance Series: One of the primary challenges organizations wrestle with in identity governance is how to achieve the right balance in their company between security and efficiency. In Part 1 of the Improving Your Security-Efficiency Balance Series, we examined the unique balancing act organizations face when it comes to user access. In this blog...